It might be either of the two. On the one hand money can make a person terribly lonely and sometimes the only way to get love is to buy it. That’s why a high percentage of lonely rich men have sex with prostitutes or order beautiful ladies from elite escort services.
Money also carries the risk of becoming the main focus of a relationship. Buying and owning things becomes more important than tender, love and care for the partner. And soon the bedroom remains only the place for sleeping next to each other.
On the other hand, money is more likely to be a pure boost for the sex life. People with money are proven to be more self-confident and self-loving. This confidence reflects in their attitude and behavior which attracts more women or men. People of that kind are often extremely content with themselves which is why they can enjoy sex much better than people with certain insecurities.
According to studies, most rich women and men have more sex than the average income earner. The studies reveal that women are more attracted by wealthy men as they are by others. This is due to the fact that men with money are often well educated, well dressed and successful. That gives women the feeling of being in safe hands. Latest results from British researchers discovered the interesting fact, that the higher the income of their male partner the more often do women have orgasms. It remains a secret of evolution why that is the case. Scientists have various theories such as the woman’s orgasm is a subconscious way of evaluating the “quality” of their partner, in other words the genes to pass on to their future children. Feminists and psychologists simply say that the fact that the woman comes more often with a rich partner is totally pleasure-based.
That would mean that a satisfying sex life is not necessarily related to the money but that people who live a very fun oriented life have more sex and enjoy it more. Therefore it is a chain of events and characteristics: self-confident people aim to achieve more, tend to opt for an academic form of education, want to spend their time with likeminded people, feel the urge to be someone and earn a lot of money. At the same time they are getting more and more confident and learn how to enjoy themselves and have fun. They don’t have as many problems as people with an average income so they are capable of letting go much better.
In summary that means that people with money find themselves more attractive and therefore attract more people who find them equally attractive, and that’s why money spices up their lives.
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