Finding True Love is Not Impossible You Just Gotta Know How

Everybody knows it. Lucky ones because they see it among their friends or family members, unlucky ones, because they experience it themselves: continuously failing relationships. What lies behind this phenomenon? Some people simply seem to be unable to establish successful relationships or maybe they are just very very unlucky. A riddle without solution so it seems but in fact, it is nothing more than a vicious circle. The secret to break this circle and to figure out the riddle is simple: Unlucky singles have to change the characteristics they are attracted by. 
If we experience things we do not like or do not want anymore over and over again, no matter how often we change partners, it is obvious that we do not learn from previous experiences. The important thing is to understand why certain things happen again. The answer might as well lie inside our own character, which means we act in a certain way so that the result is attracting that same kind of people every time. As long as we do not change the things that attract unwanted partners, we will not stop attracting unwanted partners. That’s it! 
The solution might be to say no to things we didn’t dare to say no to before, or to speak our mind openly and 100% honestly. Many people don’t love themselves enough to make other people love them like they deserve to be loved, or like they imagine to be loved. It all starts with ourselves, the more aware we are of the things that we actually want and the more we fully support our views, the higher the chance to find a partner that matches and that makes us happy. 
Knowing yourself and knowing exactly what you want and look for in a partner is the first step towards a healthy relationship. But fair enough, it all sounds easier said than done, right? Because once the butterflies begin to fly in our tummies we are hardly able to control ourselves nor are our decisions reliable. That’s the important phase where we should really try our best not to be blinded by feelings or illusions. We have to take it slow, enjoy it of course, but at the same time stay alert and question our choice critically. If our head doesn’t respond to our attempts to stay cool, we can always rely on our intuition. Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself the question: “Am I 100% happy? Does everything about him/her feel 100% right? Or are there things I am unsure about and that cause me a strange feeling somewhere deep inside of me?” The aim is not to loose trust in other people, but to trust people with a healthy portion of caution. Because who we are attracted to biologically or on a great night out, doesn’t necessarily have to be our Romeo or Juliet but if we lend ourselves a bigger ear, lots of our problems will be solved at a glance.

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